As a photographer travelling internationally, you may need a carnet if you are carrying professional equipment that you plan to take with you into another country for a short period of time. This equipment includes everything you might carry – cameras, lenses, tripods, lighting equipment, and other accessories.
Without a carnet, you may be required to pay customs duties or taxes on the equipment you are importing, which can be both costly and time-consuming. Additionally, you may encounter delays and difficulties when trying to clear customs, as customs officials may need to verify the value and origin of your equipment.
A carnet simplifies the customs process by serving as a temporary import-export document that allows you to enter a foreign country with your equipment without paying duties or taxes. The carnet acts as a guarantee that you will re-export the equipment within a specified period of time and pay any applicable duties or taxes if you do not.
Using a carnet can save you time and money, and it can also help you avoid potential legal issues that can arise when travelling with professional equipment internationally.
Finally being a professional you need to make sure that the photoshoot is not at risk cause not having the right paperwork you may not be able even to enter the country.
For more info you may refer to the London Chamber of Commerce